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About Us

Rosy Bones Co provides handmade sustainably sourced jewelry and preserved Nature home decor. We have a love for the entire Ecosystem and are dedicated to bringing a focus to the delicateness and beauty of the natural world that surrounds us everyday. We love foraging for materials and using vintage frames for that added touch of character.


"Every time life has felt insane and overwhelming, I’ve always turned to Nature. It reminds me that even the most beautiful things on this planet cannot be rushed. It reminds me to breathe slower and more fully, affirming that my body literally needs what the trees provide. It reminds me of the endless cycle of death and rebirth that we are all trapped in and compared to that, my human mind tribulations seem a lot less trivial. THIS is why I make this art. So we can have these memories in our home. Small reminders of a gentler existence. Trinkets of where we come from and where we will be." -Owner, Kat Kilver


10% of proceeds are donated to local orgs each month in order to give back to the communities that inspire us most 


100% of shipping and packing materials are

reusable/ made from recycled material

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